Head Back to School With 11 Nostalgic Date Ideas

Sep 10 2014 - 3:47pm

Why, oh why, would anyone want to head back to school? There were the popular cliques, the bad haircuts, and plenty of awkward dates. But we're here to tell you to relive those days and make them right. (And wasn't there something thrilling about those first crushes and beneath-the-bleachers makeout sessions?) This back-to-school season, start by grabbing your significant other and heading on one of these nostalgic adventures, grown-up style. Prom queen and king status, here you come.

Watch a High School Football Game

When was the last time you went to a high school football game? We're going to take a wild guess and say it's when you were 18. Revisit those days by cheering on your local team together. It's a fun way to get in the school spirit again — plus, the smaller crowds and lower cost beat a pro football game by a landslide.

Source: Instagram user aaronmunnart [1]

Tour Your Local Library

Whether you were a bookworm or just used the room to access a computer, you probably spent a lot of time at your school library. Many libraries across the country feature fascinating architecture, so now that you're older, stop in with your beau to take a look — and to browse the books, of course.

Source: Instagram user yannalesk [2]

Play a Game of Dodgeball

How fun were all those after-school dodgeball games? Relive the rush by getting in on a game at the park or gym. It's a great excuse to get a little competitive with your love.

Source: Instagram user cassidy_lanee [3]

Go Rollerskating

Besides hitting up the arcade, going rollerskating was probably your go-to fun date when you were sporting braces. Come to think of it, rollerskating is still really fun! Have a playful laugh at each other as you fall trying to brush up on your skating skills.

Source: Instagram user emilydrawsjapan [4]

Take a Dance Class

Hitting up the club every weekend probably leaves you little opportunity to slow dance like you did at all those awkward school dances. But it's a really romantic close way to get close to your date. Seize the opportunity now by taking a class; tango, ballet — take your pick!

Source: Instagram user cdugganphoto [5]

Go For a Run on a Track and Field

P.E. class probably consisted of walking and talking sprinting laps. These days, go to your local track and field and get fit together by working out and scaling the stairs. Sweaty = hot!

Source: Instagram user tjiskewl [6]

Participate in a Food Bank

Being the good girl that you were, you probably brought not one but two cans to you school's food drive. Being the grown up that you are, you can give even more. Take your love with you to donate or volunteer at a local food bank for a meaningful date neither of you will forget.

Source: Instagram user zombielovebite [7]

Master Mixology

While you can't (and probably don't want to) head back to Algebra class, there are plenty of one-day classes you can take in your town, like a mixology lesson. Put on your bartender pants, pay close attention to the teacher, and practice what you learned by making cocktails for each other back at home.

Source: Instagram user cwmarkee [8]

See a Theater Performance

We bet every school auditorium has seen a kiss or two. Upgrade from the musty place and head to a theater to see a grown-up performance. Weather it's dance, comedy, or music, it's always a fail-proof date idea.

Source: Instagram user thomsono1912 [9]

Break Out Your Brushstrokes

You either loved art or you hated it, depending on your skill level. Love it this time around by making a date out of paint brushes and canvases. You could always take an art class, but an even better idea: buy your own supplies and paint each other's portraits — clothing optional.

Source: Instagram user meganlouisebradbury [10]

Stargaze in Your Backyard

Learning all about the stars and planets was never a boring subject. Get romantic by setting out a blanket in your backyard and stargazing together. We see you, Milky Way.

Source: Instagram user cooppeerr [11]

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