11 Sex Slang Terms You Need to Know in 2016

May 2 2016 - 5:00pm

Millennials say the darnedest (and dirtiest) things. But seriously, the new sex slang terms [1] that are becoming popular in 2016 are equal parts hilarious and cringe-inducing. Check out what everyone will be saying this year and see if you're in the know. We're warning you now, some of these are worthy of a brow raise.


When you are running late because of an unexpected sexual encounter.

Example: "So sorry I got postboned. I'm on my way into the office now."

Side Chick

This generation's term for "the other woman" or "mistress." A girl who has a relationship with someone while that person is in another relationship.

Example: "I thought Bernadette was dating him, but it turns out she's just the side chick. That's sketchy."


A naked photo that a girl sends to her object of desire on Snapchat.

Example: "Wallace, I wish you could see the snatchchat that Belinda just sent me. It was dirty."


When you have sex with someone because they look like someone else who you really want to bang.

Example: "I heard that Alan had sex with Martha because she is basically Rihanna [2]'s dopplebanger."

Truffle Butter

OK, so this term is really gnar. So nasty, in fact, that I won't even write it out for you. But you can read Urban Dictionary's definition [3] and listen to Nicki Minaj's song entitled "Truffle Butter." [4] Yep, she went there.

Example: "You don't want to know what truffle butter is; trust me."


When someone's pubic region has not been trimmed in a long time and it's getting out of control.

Example: "I took one look at that sascrotch and ran as fast as I could."


When a guy gyrates his testicles while having sex.

Example: "Things got weird last night. Bartholomew started powerballing me in the middle of doing it."

Netflix and chill

When someone texts you and says they want to watch Netflix and chill [5], they actually mean they just want to have sex with you five minutes into watching a movie.

Example: "Hey, you down to come over tonight? We can Netflix and chill."


Very rough sex.

Example: "Gertrude couldn't walk for three days after the crazy intercoarse she had with Bert."


When waiting for porn on your computer to buffer in the middle of masturbation.

Example: "Damn this WiFi. I guess I'll just have to masterwait."

Hotline Bling

Drake popularized this phrase in his song "Hotline Bling." [6] It's another term for a booty call — when someone calls you to come over because they want to have sex.

Example: "Eugene made my hotline bling and I told him to get lost."

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