Are You and Your Boyfriend Best Friends? Here's How You Really Know

Aug 22 2017 - 8:00am

If you're lucky, your boyfriend is also your best friend [1] in the whole world. Having a significant other who knows you better than anyone else is a great feeling — he understands exactly what makes you laugh, cry, and exponentially happy. Are you and your BF actually BFFs? Here are 17 ways to know for sure.

You make the best team.

Winners by nature, obviously.

You can always tell him how you're feeling.

You can do nothing together and be perfectly happy,

He has no problem being gross in front of you.

You miss him as soon as he leaves.

He's your favorite drinking partner.

He always knows when you're not being honest.

Immediately. You just can't hide it.

He is your ultimate motivator.

And your biggest cheerleader.

When you succeed in something, he's so proud.

You both have the same sense of humor.

He's always there for you when you need him.

He's the only one you're willing to watch sports with.

You'll even sit through the video games.

For like 30 minutes, tops.

He's close to your family.

Well, hopefully not that close.

You can be yourselves around each other.

However weird that may be.

When you're having a tough day, he's the first person you call.

As long as he's there, you know you will be happy.

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