Thursday Horoscopes

Nov 19 2015 - 3:05am

Today's horoscopes come from our partner Astrology.com [1].

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
Last night's dreams are stuck in your mind all day -- though they may still be operating subconsciously. If anything strikes you as odd or notable, follow up with it until things become clearer.
You and your friends are all on the same page when it comes to your latest big plan -- so you should focus on that and forget about old feuds. It may be a good time for you to enforce the peace.
You may not be able to get much practical work done today, but if you focus on your creative side, you may be immensely satisfied with the results. It's a good time to pick up a new hobby.
You are much more in tune with your friends and coworkers than you are on most days, thanks to your surging emotional power. You may find that one person in particular is much easier to read.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You may be walking through an emotional minefield today, thanks to the odd psychic energy floating around, tweaking people's fears and doubts today. If you set someone off, just apologize and move on.
You're having a hard time keeping up with the details of today's projects at work or at school -- details that made all kinds of sense just yesterday! Take a break and let yourself relax for a while.
You need to slow down and let the day's events progress on their own. Things aren't going to move at the pace you want them to, but you can still enjoy life's little pleasures along the way.
You're having lots of fun today, no matter what activities are on your schedule! It's a great time to lift others' spirits and get them to join in the fun, so open up even more and acquire some followers!
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Your mental energy is chugging along right now and you ought to be able to make progress on planning or other brainy activities -- even if everyone else is melting down or running in circles!
Something you see today opens up your heart at least a little and might get you thinking about volunteering or donating to a larger cause. See if you can get friends and family interested, too!
Something you share with coworkers or your mate becomes an issue today -- but one that brings you closer, rather than forcing a big fight! You may need to compromise, but that's no problem for you.
You're focused outward today -- and all that great energy is having a tremendous impact! Things are still pretty nutty today, but you can compensate with a bit of extra nuttiness of your own.

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