Thursday Horoscopes

Nov 24 2016 - 3:05am

Today's horoscopes come from our partner Astrology.com [1].

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You're perfectly content to show your family how good they have it -- though you may want to see if they can throw you a bone, too. Put their needs first now in the expectation of good returns.
You can always take positive steps to ensure better health, but right now you are in the perfect position to leap even farther ahead! It's a really good day for you to get serious about exercise or diet.
You're having way too much fun to worry about what comes next. It may be time for you to flirt shamelessly with that new coworker or to play silly games with your family members. Just do it!
Though you might very well rather hide out in the safety of your home, you may need to engage with the world on its own terms today. You can take care of quite a bit of simmering business.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You may not want to deal with feelings right now, but your communication style is actually perfect for talking about and understanding the soft, mushy side of life. Get into it with someone close.
Now is a good time to take a new step with your romantic partner -- or to take a step closer to romance, if you're single! Moving in, buying something together or meeting the parents should all go well.
Try flirting with the next person you meet -- even if there's no chance (or interest) in anything happening. You've got the right kind of energy to get them to see things your way!
Try letting your coworkers or family members take charge today -- you deserve a break, and now and then you need to let them see how tough the reins of responsibility can be. Things get back to normal soon!
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You need to tell the boss -- or your mate, or just the salesperson at the next shop you enter -- exactly what's on your mind, even if your desires don't seem achievable just yet. You never know what might happen!
You may or may not be all that interested in what's coming up culturally -- but you feel the need to make a show of appearing to be jazzed! That should serve you well socially in the near future.
See if you can forge a real connection with someone new today -- you may surprise yourself with your willingness to reach out, even to folks who seem completely distant from your reality!
Settle an old score today, even if it means forgiving a long-standing debt or grudge. Your karmic balance sheet needs to be rezeroed before you can really feel right about how things are going.

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