Tina and Amy's 34-Step Guide to Your Love Life

Dec 15 2015 - 2:30pm

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler [1] are joining forces again for a new movie, Sisters — and needless to say, all our dreams are coming true. Yes, we admit, we wish we were in a threesome with Tina and Amy [2] (in a friendly way). So much so that we've actually learned everything we know about sex, dating, and marriage from Tina's and Amy's best TV and movie characters. That's normal, right? Get their best love advice in GIFs now!

Never underestimate the power of crazy eyes in an argument with your boyfriend.

You want to give off the right vibe on a date.

Always keep a positive attitude about being single.

Let your freak flag fly.

Never try on wedding dresses when you're single.

It's safe sex or no sex.

There are definite perks to being in a long-term relationship.

Slow down, and enjoy the special moments.

Your true love will appreciate all your weird fantasies.

Always make a freebie list . . . just in case.

Sometimes boyfriends just don't understand.

You marry the man who says this.

It's perfectly acceptable to take a break from dating.

Making out is underrated.

This is how you get out of sex when you're not in the mood.

Find someone who makes you laugh.

Always have a response ready when people try to set you up.

You only live once. Go for it!

When it comes to attracting a guy, it's all about attitude, baby.

Keep an eye out for your single friends.

It's important to make a good first impression on a date.

Don't give up on true love. Maybe he just needs some convincing.

Always remember what's really important in a life partner.

Sandwich bad news between the good.

You're not Carrie.

Don't overthink a first-date outfit.

Lazy and looking for love? There's an app for that (it's called Tinder).

Don't let a crush get between a friendship.

This is the only way to deal with a bad breakup.

First impressions can be misleading.

"When I first met you, I thought you were a fascist hard-ass."

Sometimes it's fun to dress up for a date. Even if you get made fun of.

Good communication means being a good listener.

Go ahead, flirt with that barista.

Don't overeat on vacation . . . you'll regret it later.

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