11 Things Anyone Who Has Traveled With a Partner Will Know to Be True

Jul 25 2017 - 8:45am

I once traveled across the country with my boyfriend [1], so I know what I'm talking about. If you've taken a big trip with your significant other, you know it can be a big-time bonding experience. Just when you think you really know someone, you get to know them a whole lot better when gallivanting around a new place. If you've traveled with your SO, you'll totally understand these hilarious truths.

Waiting for the trip to happen is torture for you guys.

You've been counting down forever.

You learn one another's packing habits.

Not all of us are perfectly organized . . .

Your fears will start to come out.

"Did I mention I'm terrified of flying?"

You have the best time partying it up in hotels.

It's a vacation, after all.

You find out how you each handle getting really lost.

Do you totally freak out or think of it as an adventure?

You have a built-in photographer to take all your fierce vacation photos.

So much patience.

You get to try new things together.

Some amazing, some not so much.

You get super pumped over the souvenirs you find together.

Wait until everyone sees this stuff!

Sometimes you may get on each other's nerves . . .

But only for a little bit.

You guys have so many inside jokes together based on your trip.

These never get old.

You make memories together that you'll talk about forever.

Best. Trip. Ever.

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