Wednesday Horoscopes

Feb 4 2015 - 3:05am

Today's horoscopes come from our partner Astrology.com [1].

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
Your childlike nature comes out to play -- so enjoy the day as best you can! Things are looking up, and you may find that people are looser and more friendly when you're around.
You know what's best, though you may need to spend some extra time preparing your arguments. Things just aren't going to automatically go your way without any effort this time!
You're having a great time challenging assumptions and asking big questions, but at least one colleague isn't so sure they're ready for this kind of conversation. Try to keep them happy, too.
This is not a good time to go bargain hunting just for its own sake -- if anything, you need to go for quality first. Things are looking up, but you need to get through this weird patch first.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Your creative juices are flowing strongly today -- so indulge that side of yourself and make sure that you're creating something worthwhile. Your mental energy is perfect for exercising judgment.
There's just too much going on today -- your energy needs to be evenly distributed or you are sure to be exhausted by day's end. Things are sure to get better in just a day or two, but for now you need to tread water.
Your leadership skills are rarely as obvious as they are today -- so dive into action and make sure that your people know what's expected of them. You may not have to say much, but you do need to lead.
A power play may take you by surprise today -- but you can still fight back without breaking a sweat. You may actually want to see how it plays out for a bit first, as your energy is still regenerating.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Take a risk -- tell the boss how they're wrong or ask out that one hottie who seems to be out of your league. Even if it goes nowhere, your karmic boost is sure to push you in a good direction.
Sharing can be trouble today -- once people ask for an inch, they are likely to take a mile. Try to be as generous as you can afford to be but don't be shy about shutting folks down when necessary.
One of your most important relationships needs some fine tuning -- what fun! It may take some effort, but it is totally worth it in the long run. Make sure that you're not checked out this afternoon.
You've got to mind your own business today -- things just aren't quite where they need to be, but there's only so much you can do about it. Focus on your own issues as much as possible.

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