Your Plus One: 5 Foolish Choices and 5 Foolproof Dates

Mar 31 2015 - 9:00am

Not in a serious relationship and stressing about the looming RSVP date on that wedding invite? Have no fear. Just follow this guide to find out who you'll be forced to babysit vs. who will help you celebrate.

Five Foolish Choices

  1. Your Hookup Buddy. We can take the tip from Jon Hamm [1]'s character in Bridesmaids. Do you really want to explain your "special" relationship to everyone? Or worse, do you want your buddy to explain it for you?
  2. That Guy or Girl You Met Last Week. Yes, they were hot. Yes, you had a connection. But let's take things slow. We don't want to scare off someone who has potential with wedding talk too soon.
  3. Your Friend Without a Filter. We all know them and love them, but we cringe when they always find the way to say the wrong thing at the worst time. They're probably not your best bet for a wedding date.
  4. A Blind Date. I think we can agree that a wedding isn't ideal blind or first-date territory.
  5. Your Ex. Sure, you and your ex are both close with the couple. I know. They may even ask if you'll go with them, but don't be fooled. This day is a celebration of a solid relationship, not an excuse to harp on the demise of your past. Trust us; just say no.

Five Foolproof Dates

  1. The Life of the Party. Have a close friend you love to just hang with? You know they'll be a social butterfly and the antithesis of the awkward date. Ask them to be your plus one.
  2. Your Friend Interested in the Opposite Sex Than You. No romantic expectations necessary! Instead, opt for a guaranteed great night full of Champagne with your favorite dance partner.
  3. Your Best Friend. Your best friend will completely understand if you don't want to show up alone. She will similarly serve as a partner in crime.
  4. The Person You've Been Dating For a Few Months. Worried about asking your new significant other to be your date? Just be honest and ask if they'd like to accompany you, setting the precedent of no pressure and no expectations. Be brave. You may surprise yourself.
  5. Yourself. Fly solo! Showcase that independence! And hey, maybe you'll meet some sexy groomsman or bridesmaid.

Photo by Sam Shorey [2] and Cara Denison [3]

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