People Are Losing Their Sh*t Over This 3-Year-Old and Her "Stick"

Apr 19 2017 - 8:41am

Jordyn is your standard toddler [3] with typical weird interests, including an adorable and unexplainable attachment to a stick she found [4]. The 3-year-old asked her mom, Vae, to take pictures of her posing with her twig to share with the world. "She wanted to show everybody her stick," Vae wrote on Twitter. "So everybody, here is her stick."

If you have a toddler [5], you know that this is the most predictable type of unpredictable behavior and are used to it, but for the rest of the world, mainly Twitter, Jordyn's beloved stick is stirring up some hilarious reactions. Scroll through to see our favorites.

@TriggaVae [7] @oreojesus [8] When u say "wingardium leviosa" but the feather doesn't float pic.twitter.com/3ECdoACXo2 [9]

— hungry snake (@DerekDjibouti) April 14, 2017 [10]

@TriggaVae [11] name a more iconic duo, i'll wait. pic.twitter.com/RtM9tvE1Pv [12]

— j a y (@lostnbrken) April 14, 2017 [13]

@TriggaVae [14] @OscarNunezLA [15] this makes my heart so happy. pic.twitter.com/8ywcJvDT1I [16]

— Lil Gute 💚 (@LittleGute) April 14, 2017 [17]

@TriggaVae [18] @BlueEyedZ0mbie [19] YOU TELL HER THATS THE BEST STICK I EVER SEEN AND IM SO PROUD OF HER FOR FINDING IT pic.twitter.com/p8ZhelnHmZ [20]

— mickey milkovich (@sunshinedmitri) April 14, 2017 [21]

@TriggaVae [22] @kaaeemariie [23] I like that stick pic.twitter.com/7a9OEgcrgn [24]

— Kris (•€•》){ (@kristenisbetter) April 13, 2017 [25]

@TriggaVae [26] @dimple_xo_xo [27] Tell that beautiful baby to hold on to that stick because that's the best dawg on stick I have ever seen pic.twitter.com/BnPFQUY2Mk [28]

— Bupsie or LJ (@Bupsie_xo) April 14, 2017 [29]

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