Mister Krisp Is Redefining the Rice Krispies Treat

Nov 30 2014 - 5:51am

If you thought that you'd conquered the Rice Krispies treat recipe from the back of the cereal box, Jessica Siskin (aka "Mister Krisp") is about to up your game and then some. The Instagram star [1] has amassed some 12,600 followers on her delectable account that chronicles the most artistic, inventive Rice Krispies treat creations you'll ever see. "I decided to make Rice Krispies Treats [for a party] and a friend suggested I mold them into a surfboard shape since the birthday girl was a surfer," Siskin told Mashable in a recent interview [2]. "When I discovered food coloring could be added to the recipe, I knew I needed to make a Krispie cheeseburger and the rest unfolded from there." Check out 20 of our favorite pieces of edible art featured on the mister_krisp feed ahead.

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Slice as Nice

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