10 Tips to Help Get the Whole Family Fed and Out the Door (on Time!) in the Mornings

May 25 2018 - 3:50am

Mornings can be rough [1] for anyone, but when you're a parent, it can seem like there are a hundred obstacles between you and getting out the door. Between struggling to get the kids dressed [2], especially in Winter, and getting a meal in everyone's bellies [3], it's easy to see why the start of the day can be the most chaotic. But even with all of those challenges, it doesn't have to be such a headache. By making a few simple adjustments to your routine and thinking of some organizational tactics, mornings can be downright enjoyable. Here are 10 tips to get everyone moving in the a.m., even if you're not a morning person [4].

Prep Any Food You Can Make the Night Before

Prepping some quick and easy meals after the kids go to bed at night can save you so much time the next morning. Consider using a slow cooker for breakfast [6] or making meals that you can freeze to last all week, like egg muffins [7].

Divide and Conquer Tasks

It's important that everyone pulls their own weight, especially with multiple kids. Give your bigger kids some responsibility by having them help the smaller ones, and parents can assemble the rest. You can even make it a fun game with prizes for who is ready first.

Don't Hit the Snooze Button

Hitting the snooze button [9] doesn't actually help you feel any more rested. It's a thief of time and makes you feel even more rundown than if you had just gotten up the first time. You can do it!

Pick Out Clothes the Night Before

All members of the family should practice laying out their clothes the night before so that all they have to do in the morning is get dressed.

Allow For More Time Than You Need

In a perfect world, when you only have to get yourself ready, you get to sleep in. However, with kids being kids, set your alarm at least 15 minutes earlier than you need to.

Everything Has a Place

Instead of searching high and low for your keys and chapstick for 15 minutes, give everything a place where you know it will be.

Use Charts to Help Little Ones Master Getting Ready on Their Own

Toddlers are just learning how to navigate getting themselves ready. Create personalized charts to remind them of the steps for getting everything together.

Before Everything Else, Get Yourself Dressed

Waiting around in your pajamas as you retrieve lunches can give you a false sense of ease, leading to having to rush later on. Before making the bed and eating breakfast, get yourself together.

Keep the Morning Upbeat and Fun

Music is a great way to create a fun atmosphere in the morning. Take turns letting a family member pick the getting-ready tunes.

Let a Different Person Be the Time Keeper Each Day

Kids love feeling responsible and trusted, and as soon as they're old enough to tell time, have kids take turns being in charge of the family clock.

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