Do Your Kids Have an Elf on the Shelf? Then You Need to See This Important Warning

Dec 19 2017 - 10:50am

Close one for this #ElfOnAShelf [1] after she ended up on a lamp. The householder had done the right thing & purchased one with a CE mark. The Elf resisted heat for 40 minutes. Keep all decorations away from heat pic.twitter.com/t7R3GrQIyD [2]

— Dublin Fire Brigade (@DubFireBrigade) December 12, 2017 [3]

Getting crafty with your family's Elf on the Shelf [4] is a surefire way to get excited about the upcoming holiday (or maybe it's the bane of your existence). But regardless of your personal feelings toward your little red-cheeked Christmas companion [5], you should take heed of this fire department's warning on Twitter [6].

The Dublin Fire Brigade posted a photo of the backside of an Elf on the Shelf who was on the losing end of a battle with a lamp, along with a warning all parents should read: "Close one for this #ElfOnAShelf after she ended up on a lamp. The householder had done the right thing [and] purchased one with a CE mark. The Elf resisted heat for 40 minutes. Keep all decorations away from heat."

While we have no intentions of putting a damper on anyone's Christmas festivities, it's a reminder that all parents should read, no matter how careful they are. So the next time you move your Elf on the Shelf [7], be extra mindful your little guy isn't leaning against (or hanging onto) any lamps, candles, space heaters, Christmas lights, or anything else that could potentially cause it to go ablaze.

Although this situation could have been much worse, we're happy everyone in the family's OK. On a lighter note, one Twitter user named Nicole was able to find humor in the situation, tweeting: "That elf isn't going to be sitting on any shelves anytime soon [8]! More elf on a blow-up [doughnut] for a while ;-) Glad nothing more serious happened!"

Ten points for Nicole.

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