Gay Boy Asks Permission to Attend Girls-Only Sleepover – the Mom's Response Is Totally Out of Left Field

Mason Brian Barclay is an openly gay teen, so when his female friend Houston Shelton made plans to have a sleepover, he wanted to attend but couldn't — Houston's mom had a girls-only rule.

Determined not to miss out on a fun night with his friends — and convinced the same-sex policy was more to prevent inappropriate behavior he had no interest in Mason did a very brave thing. He reached out to Houston's mom directly, via text, to ask that an exception be made.

In the text, which he shared on Twitter, he made a solid case for staying the night on Friday.

What no one could have predicted was how Houston's mom responded:

"Hmm," she replied. "Well, my husband is hot. Should I worry?"

The exchange garnered nearly 2,000 likes, and although it's unclear whether she allowed Mason to attend the sleepover, we like to think that he did . . . and that, while everyone else was watching a silly teen movie in the basement, he spent a good portion of the night chit-chatting with Houston's mom.