Jimmy Kimmel Asked Kids What the Worst Thing They've Ever Done Is . . . in Front of Their Dads

In honor of Father's Day on June 17, [1] Jimmy Kimmel decided to give unsuspecting dads the best gift of all: a heavy dose of honesty. In a hilarious video [2] that premiered on Jimmy Kimmel Live on June 13, his crew hit the streets of Los Angeles in an attempt to put kids on the spot by asking them a burning question: "What's the worst thing you ever did that your dad doesn't know about?"

And in true Jimmy Kimmel fashion, the kids had to answer with their fathers standing right next to them. From sneaking a few bucks out of their dads' wallets to helping an entire class of high school seniors get fake IDs — some of these kids have been holding onto seriously big secrets. And frankly, we can't help but laugh. Better them than us, right?

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