10 Tips For Controlling Negativity in Your Communication

Apr 23 2015 - 12:22pm

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to the best ways to communicate with your child. But Dr. Fran Walfish [1] — Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist, author of The Self-Aware Parent, and costar on We TV's Sex Box [2] — offers expert insight on the ways to communicate more effectively.

No matter how nonjudgmental and open we think we are, we all grow up with negative or critical messages that shape us. We all on some level categorize others in our minds. Many of us have strong uncomplimentary opinions, and we sometimes, intentionally or not, communicate these thoughts and ideas to others. These messages, just like parenting styles, get handed down generation after generation, so if you are a negative or critical parent, know that your style and your messages will likely carry through to your grandchildren and beyond. Even the most kind, patient, and loving parent slips into a negative statement once in a while. Controlling negativity in your communication is for the parent whose automatic style is critical, angry, overly strict, or rigid. It is the repetition of experience that imprints a child's self-esteem and developing sense of who they are.

10 Tips For Maintaining Positive Communication

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