1 Mom Explains Why She's #Blessed Despite Never Being Able to Make Up Her Mind

When it comes to motherhood, Liz Petrone just gets it. The blogger perfectly described the struggle of always wanting to do "both" in everyday situations in a recent Facebook post. She wrote:

I'm both "I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND" and "I hope you don't expect me to put that bra back on and go anywhere." I am at once "why do my friends never invite me places anymore?" and "oh great, how am I going to get out of this one?" I am "for the love of all that is holy if one more person touches me I will fall to the ground in a pile of cold ash" and I'm "someone get over here and snuggle me to sleep, already." I am "I'm so embarrassed my house is a disaster," and I'm "judge me, Fedex guy, I freaking dare you."

Petrone also dove into how she's constantly torn between the different types of self-care:

I'm both getting up early to do all the things and making love to the snooze button for two hours. I'm in four inch heels and big earrings and then too I'm in bleach-stained sweatpants and fuzzy socks. I'm quinoa and bone broth and whole 30 and I'm chips and dip and caramel lattes and a too-big glass of chilled wine with ice on the front porch.

While Petrone admitted that she tends to change her mind at the drop of a hat, she thinks that's totally OK. "I'm a mom, and I'm still me. I'm afraid, and I'm still doing it. I'm lonely, and I'm #blessed. I'm both. And that's enough right now."