8 Moms You'll Definitely Run Into at the Indoor Bounce House This Summer

Jun 25 2018 - 8:55am

Indoor bounce houses [1] are a ton of fun for kids, and they can also be sanity savors [2] for moms, especially on a Summer rainy day or a superhot afternoon. They are air-conditioned and provide children with great exercise [3] and plenty of fun — plus, they get to hang out with other kids without officially having to schedule a play date.

Over the years, I've visited my share of indoor bounce houses, and after many hours of observation, I've noticed eight main types of moms that frequent these establishments. From the energetic mom who bounces right along with her kids to the mom who scans the facility for a comfortable chair to sit in the moment she arrives, one thing all of these awesome women have in common is that they are there to give their kids a fun and memorable outing.

The Energetic Mom

This fun mom isn't afraid to "jump up, jump up, and get down" with her kids and break a sweat. You go, girl! So glad you have all that energy.

The Helicopter Mom

Like a fierce mama bear out in the wild, this mother is watching her child's every move and is there to swoop in when her amazing mommy senses detect an accident about to happen.

The Photographer

This mom is ready with her phone or camera to capture every awesome bounce and flip her kids do. You can also almost guarantee these photos will be posted to her social media immediately.

The Free-Range Mom

This mom will usually find a nearby comfortable chair to sit in where she can relax while her kids run around and play to their heart's content. It's a win-win!

The Snacks Mom

This amazing mom knows her kids very well and comes prepared with their favorite snacks [7] and drinks. Forgot to bring some snacks for your kids? No worries. This mom has you covered, because she brings more than enough to share with her children's friends as well.

The Nurse

This is another well-prepared mother. You will usually find cartoon character Band-Aids, Neosporin, hand sanitizer, and even lollipops in her purse. They are ready to go for any kid that gets a boo-boo.

The Teacher

This mom has a special knack for turning everyday outings into educational lessons for her kids. She is great at keeping her kids' bodies and minds stimulated.

The Nowhere-to-Be-Found Mom

This mom feels comfortable with leaving her older kids alone at the bounce house while she leaves for a bit to run errands, shop, etc.

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