15 Things You Should Stop Freaking Out About as a Mom Right Now

Oct 6 2018 - 9:42am

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me how fast the time would fly after I had my first baby, I would be a very wealthy woman. I feel as though I blinked and now I'm suddenly missing my little baby (who isn't so little anymore) while she's in school [1]. At this stage, my memories of my life before my kids are vague at best, but I do know that my priorities were very different. I worried about things like Starbucks discontinuing my favorite drink or if I could actually handle being a mom and keeping up with my teaching career [2]. Then, when I decided to become a stay-at-home mom [3], I worried about keeping my house clean, preparing restaurant-worthy meals, and ensuring that my child(ren) would know their letters, numbers, a second language, and the basics of playing an instrument all before kindergarten rolled around [4]. I know, I know, lofty goals. I was young and naive. But then the clocks sped up, and everything changed.

In the blink of an eye, my daughter turned 4 and became a big sister to twins. And if the clock wasn't going fast enough before, it sure is now. My twins were seemingly born yesterday, and they'll be nine months old in a few days. Now, instead of worrying about trivial things like my living room being clean, I worry about my children: Are they happy? Healthy? Safe? I worry about the fact that if something were to happen to me or my husband [5], our girls wouldn't even remember us. Looking back at the things I used to worry about, I can't help but laugh at the silliness of it all. Because in the end, the amount of time we have with our babies is so fleeting, and in five days, five weeks, five months, or even five years, none of those trivial things will matter. So, if you're feeling a little stressed out or overwhelmed with the whole parenting thing [6] (Who hasn't?), keep reading for 15 things you can breathe in and let go of right now.

Your Living Space Not Feeling Like Your Own

Don't worry if the beds aren't made and toys are strewn all over the living room floor. Before you know it, the toys will be gone, the house will be quiet, and your rooms will feel strangely empty.

Dirty Dishes

Cleaning up after dinner can wait. Let the kids have five more minutes to play in the bathtub or read one more bedtime story. You won't regret it.


The door to our guest room is almost always kept shut so that I don't have to look at the ever growing mound of clean clothes piled up on the bed. Eventually, I get around to sorting, ironing, folding, and hanging, and you will, too. Try not to stress about it.

Vacuum Lines

I never even knew this was a thing until I became a stay-at-home mom and someone actually asked me if I knew the best way to get them. I can barely get all of the choking hazards up off of the floor, so if I ever start doling out advice on how to get the perfect vacuum lines, please just smack me. They really don't matter.

What Everyone Else's Kids Are Doing

When my daughter was almost 2 and still not talking as well as other kids her age, I agonized about whether or not she was behind in spite of the pediatrician's assurances that she was not. Now, at 4 years old, she won't stop talking. In most cases, your kids will eventually reach all of their milestones when they're ready. Just sit back and enjoy where they are now.

Screen Time

Don't beat yourself up if you let your kids play on the iPad so you can take a shower. Everything in moderation.

Getting Dirty

Afraid they'll ruin that adorable — and in some cases very expensive — outfit? Don't be. Your kids won't remember (or care) what they wore as a toddler. But they will remember how much fun it was to jump into muddy puddles or turn themselves into a work of art.

Feeding Your Kids Unhealthy Meals

Life is hectic. Period. Life with littles? Well, that can be a full-blown sh*tshow. If the occasional trip to your local pizza place is going to make your day that much easier, go for it without a second thought. You're a good parent, and the kids will be just fine.


Schedules and routines are wonderful for babies and children, but don't freak out if you can't (or just don't) stick to one. If the attempt to stick to your schedule keeps you on edge, then try embracing a "get up and go" lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with just winging it. And besides, when you wing it, you never know where you'll end up!

Going to Work

Whether you have to go to work or if staying home just isn't your jam, being a working mom is really hard, and you're doing the best you can. Your kids will undoubtedly be proud of your commitment to them as well as your career, and you should be, too.


Whether it's in your circle of friends or your extended family, step away. The moments you have to enjoy with your own family are too precious to waste.

Social Media

Social media is great for so many things, but don't stress about getting that perfect shot to share with your followers. Instead, try to truly focus on the moments as you're in them. Putting your phone down can be extremely liberating.

What Everyone Else Thinks

If you're a mom, that makes you an actual superhero. Pat yourself on the back, and screw what anyone else thinks.

What Your Friends Allow Their Kids to Do

Just because your friends allow their children to do certain things doesn't mean you have to follow suit, especially if it's something that makes you uncomfortable. In five years, it won't matter that you didn't allow your 10-year-old to wander the park with their friends in search of Pokemon. And no, your child will not be a pariah if they're the only kid in their elementary school class without a smart phone.

The Idea That Your Best Isn't Good Enough

Because, simply put, it is.

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