How This Barber Helped a Boy With Autism Get Over His Fear of Haircuts Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Rule number one: find a good hairdresser and stick with them for life. And luckily for one UK boy and his family, they found James Williams of Jim the Trim.

According to James's Facebook post, Mason was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder a few months ago, and he has spent a month trying to find a way to cut the little boy's hair. While it isn't uncommon to have a hard time getting kids to sit still for a trim, Mason wouldn't allow James to get near one of his ears and would run away if he wasn't feeling up to it. Instead of turning the family away or getting frustrated with Mason, James just got more creative with his attempts and finally succeeded in his first snip after weeks of trying.

The pair got down on the floor, with Mason playing on a phone, and James managed to give him a haircut while propped up on his elbows. "Today I finally achieved it where we both layed on the floor in silence and he allowed me to cut away and give him his first proper haircut," Williams wrote. "Again achieving something in a job I love making both parents happy by giving extra attention to Mason by building a friendship at trust with Mason and myself."

And while Williams was thrilled to finally have been able to cut Mason's hair, that wasn't the best part of his day. "What gave the finishing touch, I asked for a high five and he hugged me," Williams wrote. "True barber love!"