15 Podcasts Your Kids Will Love Listening To (That Won't Drive You Nuts!)

Aug 8 2017 - 1:30pm

Podcasts are great for listening to on a walk, in the car, or wherever you are with a pair of headphones, and you can find one on just about any topic of interest. If you're a mom who loves a good podcast [1] and wants to spread the love to your little ones — or maybe you just can't stand another second of Kidz Bop or Frozen songs in the car — there are a bunch of 'casts aimed at kids that are perfect for keeping them busy [2] wherever they are (no matter how many times you've heard "I'm bored" so far today).

Read through for a variety of podcasts for kids of all ages.

For the story-lover:

For the little scientist:

For the entertainment enthusiast:

For the musically inclined:

For the visual learners:

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