Potty Mouthed Shirts Are Perfect For Swearing Moms Who Give Zero F*cks

Dec 10 2017 - 9:10am
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A post shared by Heather Brown (@hiheatherbrown) [2]

If someone kept track of how many times we whispered "sh*t" or "f*ck" under our breath a day, well, we'd be in trouble. Lucky for cursing moms all over [3], there's a new shirt to add to your wardrobe and it's essentially a "get out of swear-jail free card" for all the times a curse has slipped out. We spotted mommy blogger Heather Stachowiak Brown [4] wearing the "Potty Mouthed" shirt on Instagram alongside her adorable baby, Fox, who's wearing a onesie with the words "Potty Trained" crossed out. Who knew swearing could be so fashionable?

Heather and her son's matching outfits were made by The Wittle Co [5], and although the shop is currently taking a break on Etsy [6], we've found a similar replacement, the Matching Mommy and Me Set, Potty Trained Potty Mouthed [7] ($39), seen below.

You can find us showing up to the family Christmas party wearing a "Potty Mouthed" shirt and bearing gifts with "Merry F*cking Christmas" wrapping paper [8]. Or shall we heat up the stuffing with our curse-word oven mitts [9]? How do you like me now, mother-in-law?

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