This Hilariously Cruel Baby Shower Card Is Actually a Good Warning to Expectant Moms

If you're looking for the perfect gift to give your pregnant loved one, you might consider paging through their registry. If you're wanting to get something for your expectant frenemy or bitter rival, however, we know just the thing — an unassuming baby shower greeting card that delivers a deeply scarring surprise.

Sounds a little intense? That's because it is. Travis and Nick Peterson have created a prank "musical" greeting card that plays the sound of a newborn crying for more than three hours straight. It only stops wailing when the battery dies or if you somehow manage to destroy it — and allegedly, ripping or crushing doesn't cut it. Adding insult to injury, each time you press the sound button, the crying only gets louder and louder. (The video above gives you just a three-minute taste — imagine having that playing for another 177-odd minutes!)

This card — which, rather cruelly, has "the gift that keeps on giving" written inside — is one of several prank cards from Joker Greeting [1], a company funded by Kickstarter, and it's described as the perfect way to "welcome soon-to-be parents to the joys of parenthood with the soothing sounds of incessant crying."

The sender of the $12 card, which is available for preorder for March, can test out the noise in a safe mode before removing a pull-off tab that enables the nonstop sound when activated.

If you dare give one of these out, consider it a helpful warning of what's to come as well as your not-so-subtle hint that you won't be lining up to help babysit anytime soon.

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