These Cat Slippers Purr When You Walk, So Goodbye to All My Remaining Friends

Oct 14 2018 - 10:10am

Like the rest of the cat ladies out there [1], I'm a complete sucker for any accessories that remotely involve my four-legged friends. In fact, my obsession is so well known, people actually text me shopping links to kitty-inspired products [2] throughout my day. While I have my fair share of sweatshirts and jewelry with cats on them, this college-mascot-size pair of Twitchy Kitty Cat Paw Slippers [3] ($35) blows every other product out of the water.

For starters, this pair of cozy footwear actually purrs when you walk, so yes, they're absurd in the best way possible. Obviously, as soon as I laid eyes on them, I knew I just had to test them out to see if they were too good to be true, and boy was I impressed. They're as cozy as they look! Naturally, my cats made a beeline for under the bed as soon as they saw them. A little mean? Maybe. But worth the laugh? Completely.

Scroll through to get a look at these incredible slippers, and try not to buy a million pairs.

The Top

The Bottom

The Slippers IRL

Confirmed: they really are that huge.

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