23 Reasons Toddlers Are Seriously the Worst

Jun 6 2018 - 7:35am

Whether your toddler is in the throes of the terrible twos or has crossed into the dreaded threenager phase [1], there's one thing every parent of a toddler can agree upon: toddlers are the damn worst. Sure, they're snuggly, they're cute, they have the best style [2], plus a million other reasons to love 'em [3], but they can also be assh*les.

Ahead, we gathered 23 reasons and pretty definitive proof that toddlers are the freakin' worst [4].

They throw tantrums like it’s their job.

They're never fully clothed (even when you JUST dressed them).

They take their clothes off in public.

They never end up wanting the food they asked for.

And take it out on you like it's your fault.

They always need the cup, plate, or spoon that’s in the dishwasher.

Their interests change minute-to-minute.

As do their moods.

They can’t handle peeing on a toilet.

They won't ever go to bed when you ask them to.

They can never find their shoes.

They cry way more than it seems humanly possible.

They're always trying to get into places they shouldn't.

They eat things off the floor before you can realize what they've done.

They want to do everything by themselves, which is time-consuming and messy.

They wake up at the ass crack of dawn.

But then won't nap.

But also fall asleep randomly at the drop of a hat.

They're always hungry.

But won't eat anything nutritious.

They're always stealing your phone.

They're constantly making a mess.

You can't take them to the store without them wanting to buy something.

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