Superstyling Tips For Moms of Girls With Curls

Dec 13 2015 - 3:10pm

If you or your kids have curly locks, Dove's new #LoveYourCurls campaign video is a must-see [1] (who knew that a hair care ad could move a mom to tears?!). And while we agree that textured tendrils are something to celebrate, there's no denying that they present more of a styling challenge than straight hair does. So this one's for you, moms of girls with curls. We've rounded up over 10 great tips — from what products to have on hand to how to create a variety of easy, age-appropriate styles — all designed to make it easier for you and your kids to love those curls.

Source: Flickr user marcus_oh [2]

How to Create Beachy Curls

Cute Girls Hairstyles's beachy curls tutorial [3] results in a casual look that's appropriate for girls of all ages (moms too!) with varied textures of hair.

Add These 7 Products to Your Curl-Control Arsenal

Like anything else in life, the key to taming a curly coif is preparation. We've rounded up seven great products [4] that are designed with curly-haired kids in mind, and they really work!

How to Keep It Tangle-Free

Sure, expert advice is awesome, but sometimes (most times?) Mom just knows best. Check out some sage words of wisdom on how to keep your little kids' hair tangle-free [5] from parents who have mastered the technique.

5 DIY School Styles Your Teen or Tween Can Master

Share Daniela Zapata's adorable YouTube styling tutorial [6] with your tween or teen girl to inspire five easy new looks that she can do all on her own.

Master the Perfect Ponytail

The classic ponytail [7] goes well beyond soccer practice when you follow Cute Girls Hairstyles's tips for mastering the style. Kids love having their hair out of their faces, and moms will love how put-together this looks.

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