The 10 Things on the Internet That Make Moms Everywhere Lose Their Sh*t

Sep 13 2017 - 2:48pm

Even though moms are widely considered to be superhumans, we need an outlet too, and that escape usually comes in the form of social media [1]. And while there's often no greater joy than scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest once the kiddos hit the hay for five heavenly minutes before your own bedtime, there are some things we see that can throw us into an utter tailspin just when we thought we had it all figured out.

When Someone Posts a Picture of Perfectly Iced Cupcakes For Their Kid's Class

Who actually has time to bake four dozen cupcakes? And how is the icing so damn perfect on every single one?

Playrooms That Are So Organized, It Looks Like the Person Doesn't Have Children

Parents with kids who are old enough to own toys know all too well that the den floor is a minefield chock-full of Lego pieces [2], Barbies, and anything Paw Patrol-related. So it's hard to believe that some women actually live in a world where playrooms are ever clean or remotely organized [3].

Milestone Photo Series That Might as Well Be Professional

Moms totally respect each other's Insta games, especially when it comes to baby pictures. But how the heck can some people remember to have a full-on photo shoot [4] with gorgeous props the same time every month? Should've set up an alarm on our phones.

Catching a Glimpse of the PTA's Fundraising Events Calendar

Of course we want our children to go on memorable field trips and make sure their teachers have all the supplies they need. But one look at the year-long calendar of events is enough to send any parent into a tizzy. That's a heck of a lot of volunteer hours. Oh, and what's the best day to take off work [5] to help out? Let me check my schedule . . .

Complicated Hairstyles That Are Way Above Your Pay Grade

Because no matter how many YouTube videos you watch, you'll never be able to master the fish braid. Fishtail braid? Ugh, who knows!

Lunch Boxes Packed So Perfectly, They Could Be Given to the Queen

Giving kids a healthy lunch [7] is important for them to stay focused throughout the school day. But what's with all the sandwiches cut like roses, color-coordinated fruit salads, and handwritten notes that would give a trained calligrapher a run for their money?

Crafts You Couldn't Pull Off If Someone Paid You a Million Dollars

Some people just aren't all that artsy. And we are those people.

The Last Call For After-School Activity Sign-Ups

There's nothing worse than realizing at the very last second that your kid didn't even give you one of the 300 permission slips they needed for tennis, baseball, drama club, and a school year's worth of field trips.

Museum-Worthy "Candid" Family Photos

Wait, didn't you just have that baby yesterday? How do you look so good already? We all know one (or a few) of those moms who seem to not have a single bad angle.

Long-Winded Posts About How Well Siblings Get Along

Lies. They are all lies.

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