14 Things That Every New Parent Will Freak Out About

Aug 28 2016 - 6:36am

You can prepare for a job interview, you can prepare for a 5K, you can prepare for a speech. But parenthood? No amount of practice, research, or education will ever adequately get you in gear for this. The all-encompassing experience of becoming a mom will sweep you off your feet, but take solace — you're not alone. If you've ever brought home a newborn, we have a feeling you'll relate to these 14 moments of panic (some justified, some not!).

That You Won't Be Able to Handle Childbirth

Prepare to amaze yourself!

That You'll Have Absolutely No Idea What You're Doing

It's OK. Neither does anyone else.

Driving With Baby on Board

You've never really driven with "precious cargo" until you've been behind the wheel with one of these in the backseat.

Clipping Their Nails

Almost three years into motherhood and I'm still terrified of this.

That Your Baby Will Remain a Conehead Forever

Nope, it'll go away — think about the intensity of the journey they've just been through.

That You'll Drop Them


Those Noises They Make When They Sleep

It's just a side effect of being brand-new. The breathing-control center of that little brain is still figuring it all out, so rattling, whistling, and gurgling noises are all totally normal.

Those Damn Percentiles

Some doctors don't even share them anymore, as it seems like all they do is stress new parents out. Focus on your baby's own healthy growth — not how the numbers stack up to others.

All He Does Is Sleep

Enjoy it while it lasts . . .

He Never Sleeps Anymore

They all go through phases.

That You'll Never Get a Good Night's Sleep Again

It may be a little while, but it'll happen again, and it will be absolutely glorious.

That Umbilical Stump


Your Baby-Proofing Efforts Will Be Insufficient

Nothing's foolproof, but keep a watchful eye, and everything will be fine.

Those First Few Baths

Trust us, buddy, Mom's feeling the same exact way.

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