The 24 Types of Nannies and Babysitters You Encounter

Aug 6 2014 - 11:51am

Picking the right person to take care of your kids is not always an easy task — any parent can attest to that. There are a variety of personalities to choose from, but not all of them are the right ones for your family (like the babysitter who can't part with her phone for more than five seconds). When you DO find the perfect caretaker, you feel like you've pretty much hit the jackpot — and you do everything in your power to keep her. From expert chefs to neat freaks and silly sitters, here are a few types of nannies and babysitters you'll run into in your search for the keeper. And once you've found the right one — hang on tight!

Source: MGM [1]

The Chef

She puts all of your dishes to shame. How does she do it . . . magic?

The Goofball

She's the one who isn't afraid to dress up in princess outfits and superhero costumes — in fact, you're pretty sure she loves it.

The Improviser

She learned quickly that things don't always go as planned — but she makes it work anyway!

The Misguided

She might need to find a new career path.

The Energizer Bunny

Just watching her play with your kids is exhausting, yet she never seems to get tired — she just keeps going, and going, and going.

Source: MGM [2]

The Optimist

She encourages your kids to believe that anything is possible.

The Overwhelmed Nanny

If anyone understands where she's coming from, it's you!

The Child

She's kind of a kid herself.

The Neat Freak

You come home to a house that's cleaner than how you left it.

The Eccentric Nanny

She does things a little differently, but hey, if it works, it works!

The Family Member

She's basically another one of your kids. She goes on vacations with you, she eats dinner with the family, and you love her like one of your own.

The Foodie

When you tell her to help herself to the food in the pantry, she DEFINITELY listens.

The Negligent Nanny

Might want to find a replacement sooner rather than later.

The Sweetheart

She loves your kids so much, and it shows!

Source: Tristar [3]

The Levelheaded Babysitter

Nothing fazes this one. She handles problems — big and small — while keeping her cool.

The Know-It-All

She might have tried once or twice to tell you how to parent your child. Puh-lease!

The Manny

Active, fun, and very silly.

The Newbie Teen Sitter

She uses a lot of new slang and hashtags, and you don't ask more of her than to just sit and watch TV while the baby sleeps.

The Teacher

You love that she has taught your kids so many important lessons — both school- and life-related.

The Enabler

She encourages your kids to continue some of their bad habits. You said no potty jokes, she laughs out loud at them. You said one cookie per child, she gives them two. Or three.

The Disciplinarian

She knows how to put her foot down, and she's not afraid to say "no."

The Nanny Leading a Double Life

She is a wonderful babysitter, but you really wish you hadn't snuck a peek at her Facebook, because it's hard to look at her the same now . . .

The Crafty One

She and your kids create legitimate works of art while you're out.

Source: Tristar [4]

The Keeper

You know one day she is going to go on to do great things, but you can't imagine a better person for your family and your kids and never want to let her go.

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