Pregnant? The 1 Thing You Must Do Right Now

Jun 5 2018 - 9:45am

When I was pregnant, there were plenty of things I made sure to do before the baby arrived, whether it was going on a date night or sleeping past 10 a.m. (Though, warning: sleeping past 7 a.m. will soon feel indulgent.) But one thing I didn't do enough of was leave. Just leave.

If you are pregnant and reading this, just stand up and walk out your front door. Right now. Just walk through that door, and close it behind you. Bring a wallet, or not. Take or leave your cell phone, I don't care. Just leave and don't come back for, say, 20 minutes. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Back? OK. That, my friends, is something you'll never take for granted again.

You see, the other day, I was taking some "me time" and spending about 45 luxurious seconds going to the bathroom when I pulled off the last of the toilet paper roll. It was of course only then that I realized I'd forgotten to buy more the last time I was at the store. No big deal, I'll just run out and grab some. Let me briefly explain what "run out and grab some" means, in minutes, to a new mom:

So, 53 minutes later I was finally "running out." It took me nearly an hour to leave the house, and keep in mind that I was still in sweatpants, sneakers, and a ratty ponytail. (Truth: I realized right after I got outside that I forgot to put on deodorant but refused to turn back.)

The lesson here? I never realized how easy it was just to walk out the door before I had a baby. If I could go back in time, I'd tell my pregnant self to just get up — no matter how swollen my feet were — and leave. I'd tell her to enjoy the freedom of being able to decide to leave and actually leave within the same minute.

So, every now and then, just stop what you are doing and go for a walk around the block. Go grab a manicure. Go run to the bodega for a bag of Skittles. Go anywhere. Soon enough you'll have one major (albeit adorable) obstacle between you and the front door.

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