Every Parent Needs to Steal This Mom's "Thankful Pumpkin" Idea Because Gratitude Matters

Oct 14 2018 - 10:05am

Carolyn Henderson Copeland knows that instilling a sense of gratitude [1] is paramount when raising kids. And while it's usually easier to look at the glass half-empty in life, it's also important to take the time to appreciate what you have [2]. Carolyn shared a simple tradition [3] she feels every parent should know about on Facebook, and it's delightfully easy.

"Want to start a new family tradition that will teach your kids more about thankfulness? Every night for the month of November, gather as a family and add a few items to your Thankful Pumpkin!" she wrote in the caption.

Judging by the comments section, other parents are planning to introduce the tradition [4] to their households. The post has racked up more than 68,000 shares and 26,000 reactions so far, and yep, count us in!

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