20 Times Toddlers Make You Want to Scream F*ck at the Top of Your Lungs

Apr 20 2017 - 3:16am

Having a kid means experiencing tons of beautiful, heartwarming, and adorable moments throughout the years, but it also means going through scenarios when all you want to do is scream "f*ck" at the top of your lungs. Whether you stepped on one of the Legos [1] you asked them to pick up three days ago, have made two different meals for two different kids who now want something different, or have woken up to find a tiny body kicking and elbowing you in your bed [2], sometimes a string of curse words is the only way to get through it.

Ahead, the times you wish you could curse in front of your kids, but probably won't . . . unless you can't help it. That happens too, which results in some pretty hilarious but unfortunate repetition on the kiddo's part that will probably make you want to swear again.

When you wake up to find you're in a kid sandwich.

When you want to take one nice family photo.

When your kid falls asleep in the entirely wrong place.

When you didn't specify the "you can have one toy" directive while shopping.

When you have to referee sibling fights.

When your kid won't eat the thing he just asked you to make.

When you were planning on skipping bath time just once, but your toddler has different ideas.

When you forget to hide your candy stash.

When you JUST cleaned the playroom and . . .

When your kid falls asleep right as you're pulling into the driveway.

When you thought you'd be able to use the bathroom in peace.

When you can't figure out why the eff your kid is crying.

When more of their lunch ends up on them than in them.

When you forget to put the markers away.

When your kid decides to melt down in public.

When you just want the kids to freakin' go to sleep, but they have other plans.


When you thought giving your kid your phone would make things easier.

When your potty-training toddler sits on your lap.

When you literally just changed your shirt because your baby spat up on it.

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