It's "National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week," and You Can Celebrate With This Wine For Felines

Feb 22 2018 - 8:35am

After a particularly long day, there are few things tried-and-true cat ladies love [1] more than sitting in front of Netflix while snuggling with their favorite feline and a hefty glass of vino. Although drinking wine is certainly a great way for humans to unwind, we can't help but notice that our kitty counterparts are probably feeling a little left out. Enter National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week: a five-day holiday dedicated to getting tipsy with your kitty.

The celebration, which technically began on Feb. 19 after National Drink Wine Day on Feb. 18, runs through Feb. 23 and caters to people and pets alike. The concept for National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week stemmed from a blog post on Offers.com [2] that combined National Drink Wine Day (Feb. 18) and National Love Your Pet Day (Feb. 20) to create one giant festivity. Given the fact that alcohol is especially dangerous for cats, a few brands have come up with cat-friendly options that are perfectly safe [3] for your felines to consume.

What's exactly in each bottle of cat wine? Familiar ingredients like lemongrass, infused catnip, and salmon oil. Sounds pretty fancy to us!

Scroll through with your furry friend to figure out which type of wine suits them best. Cheers!

Cat Wine 1.6 oz Purrgundy

Cat Wine 1.6 oz Purrgundy [5] ($5)

The Moscato

The Moscato [6] ($12)

The Meowmosa

The Meowmosa [7] ($5)

The Pinot Meow

The Pinot Meow [8] ($12)

The Catbernet

The Catbernet [9] ($12)

The White Kittendel

The White Kittendel [10] ($8, originally $12)

5 oz. Meowsling

5 oz. Meowsling [11] ($10)

12 oz. Mëow & Chandon

12 oz. Mëow & Chandon [12] ($15)

Cat Wine Pawty Pack

Cat Wine Pawty Pack [13] ($20)

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