Make Your Changing Station the Most Productive Place in the Nursery

POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Batz
POPSUGAR Photography | Ashley Batz

Being a new parent requires patience and organization (and taking a couple deep breaths). It's a lifesaver to have everything you need stocked up and in a designated space, especially when it comes to changing stations. Keeping this part of the nursery in tip-top shape will make for a well-oiled machine. Here's how.

Think About How You Work

Think About How You Work

It might sound funny, but think about the direction you work when changing your baby. If you prefer standing straight on with your baby's head positioned at the top of the changing table, arrange items to the left of her head. If you'd rather have her head at the end of the changing table, arrange all items to the right, ending with the diaper pail.

Select a Comfortable Height

Select a Comfortable Height

It's completely acceptable to use something other than a dedicated changing table as a base. Get creative and use a bookshelf, dresser, or converted island. You want it to be at the right height so you're not causing extra strain on your back. Measure the surface height, which should land between 36 to 43 inches, and if you're using a nonpurchased changing table, be safe and invest in a changing pad with adjustable straps.

Stock Essentials Up High

Stock Essentials Up High

You might think storing diapers and wipes in a top drawer makes them easy to reach, but it's actually smarter to make a secure shelf above the baby so you can leave a hand on your newborn — and maintain eye contact — while reaching for what you need. It also keeps things out of her reach as she gets older. However, you can always use a top drawer if you're unable to hang a shelf or tight on space.

Store Extras to Have on Hand

Store Extras to Have on Hand

There's nothing worse than running out of diapers or wipes. Keep the changing table stocked with extras that have already been taken out of their packaging so you can easily grab more.

Organize For Your Needs

Organize For Your Needs

Along with having all the basics on hand, like diapers, wipes, and baby lotions, having a couple of other items close by is also a big help when dealing with a fussy babe. From extra pacifiers to stuffed animals to swaddles, make sure you're set for whatever might come up.

More From ALDI

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ALDI is all smiles as we announce Little Journey — our first full line of baby products! From cooing infants to eager preschoolers, Little Journey will grow alongside your kiddos and meet their varying needs, whether it's formula, organic puree pouches and toddler snacks, or diapers and gentle wipes. For every giggle, gurgle, grin (and hair-pulling meltdown), we'll be there with products that meet or beat the quality of national brands while also saving you money to invest in your child's future.