Thanks to This Book, I Became Debt-Free and Started Living My Best Life

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Early in 2016, I was in a bad financial place. I had just graduated college without a clear job prospect or a safety net. My aunt, whom I was living with at the time, gracefully covered our rent, but I accrued credit card debt for all other living expenses, which eventually amounted to a few hundred dollars. I turned down brunch invites and other nonessential hangouts to save up, or at least, not spend more than I was making from random gigs.

Despite these challenges, I felt super motivated to keep pushing. I told myself it was part of the process and that my best days were still ahead of me. So I embarked on a quest for financial independence, taking on side jobs and learning about personal finance along the way. That's how I ended up with several stints in tutoring, writing, and event planning (yes, this editor has lived many lives).

I was earning some steady income and slowly paying off my debt, but nothing would bring me to my goal faster than the time it took to read Ramit Sethi's book I Will Teach You to Be Rich ($16). I had been following him online for a few months before picking up my copy, and it was honestly the best investment I made early on. It's one of the most comprehensive guides to money management for beginners, but it also includes useful investing strategies if you have some disposable income.

Once you look past the title, you'll go on an eye-opening journey into a world of financial wisdom and actionable money advice.

Once you look past the title, you'll go on an eye-opening journey into a world of financial wisdom and actionable money advice. The book is sharp, witty, and uncomfortably honest. As soon as I opened it, I grabbed a notebook and started writing down useful tidbits. From how to save money by getting your credit card fees waived (Sethi includes word-for-word negotiation scripts) to creating a budget you'll actually stick to, the pages are filled with takeaways that are easy to digest and remember.

I went from owing credit card debt to paying it all off within six months of consistent hustle, saving, and learning. I have been deft-free since, but I still go back to the book for a refresher on other aspects of personal finance. Trust me, you'll be glad you invested in this gem of a book, and you'll want to gift it to a friend after reading it.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

You won't regret trying out Ramit Sethi's personal-finance program in I Will Teach You to Be Rich ($15), which is based around banking, saving, budgeting, and investing.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition by Ramit Sethi

Remember when every finance publication stated that millennials are not as well off because we spend too much on avocado toast and Starbucks? Well, Ramit Sethi says that's bullsh*t. We can have our cake and eat it, too, but with certain strategies in place. I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition ($7) is literally that. It even has word-for-word scripts on how to talk your way out of late fees.

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