It's Raining Tens! Cash Goes Loose on Highway as People Make a Mad Dash to Grab It

Dec 15 2018 - 8:01am

On Thursday morning, people driving on a highway in East Rutherford, NJ, encountered a "snowstorm" of a new kind. A "malfunction" with the back door of a Brink's truck [1], an armored truck that carries money and valuables, sent tons of cash flying into the air and onto the pavement. There are two things to do in that situation: keep driving or, um, take advantage of the free money flying around you like you're in one of those money booths at an arcade with no time to waste. Needless to say, many people chose the latter.

Like something out of a movie, onlookers watched as people literally stopped their cars on Route 3, got out, and ran into the street to stock up on as many bills as they could grab [2]. According to NJ.com, some of those bills were of the 100-dollar variety. Yes, this was a bit dangerous, but can you really blame those people? After the chaos of the incident, police are urging anyone who took money [3] to give it back to Brink's, and maybe some people will. See more footage and reactions to this hilarious hiccup ahead.

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