This Is How the Senate Democrats Might Get Trump's Tax Returns

Mar 12 2017 - 2:50pm

Dianne Feinstein tells me that it's a "distinct possibility" Senate Intel could try to subpoeana Trump's tax returns https://t.co/cqRR5LdlJ8 [1]

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 10, 2017 [2]

President Donald Trump might have to legally hand over his tax returns — at least, if the Senate Democrats pursue a subpoena for his records. Senator Dianne Feinstein reportedly told CNN's Manu Raju that she and other Democratic members on the Senate Intelligence Committee could attempt to forcibly release Trump's withheld tax returns [3] by subpoena.

Raju relayed Feinstein's message on March 9, but she indicated that the committee had yet to conclusively proceed down that path. "We're not there yet, but quote, 'It's a distinct possibility, yes,'" Raju said Feinstein told him.

According to Raju, Democratic committee members "actually have the power" to subpoena the president under its rules. However, they have been hesitant to take the measure since there is an ongoing investigation into Russia's alleged influence on the election.

Surprisingly, some of the Republicans on the committee also told Raju that they would consider subpoenaing the president should it be necessary. Senator Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine, said she is open to "looking into the move."

At this point, it's puzzling why the president has refused to release his tax returns [5]. Some have speculated that they would demonstrate his financial affiliations in Russia. Whatever the documents would or would not reveal [6], it's abundantly clear the president is reticent to share them.

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