In 1 Viral Tweet, John Legend Described What It Would Take For Him to Vote For Trump

Aug 31 2016 - 11:08am

While defending Colin Kaepernick's controversial decision to sit during the national anthem [1], singer John Legend revealed what it would take for him to vote for Donald Trump — and he didn't hold back.

Trump spoke about Kaepernick's protest on The Dori Monson Show [2] and told the radio host he thought Kaepernick "should find a country that works better for him." Legend responded to Trump's comments by questioning the national anthem's greatness. Legend then added he was surprised Trump cared about Kaepernick's protest considering he describes America as a "hellscape."

For those defending the current anthem, do you really truly love that song? I don't and I'm very good at singing it. Like, one of the best

— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 30, 2016 [3]

My vote is for America the Beautiful. Star spangled banner is a weak song anyway. And then you read this... https://t.co/iAE62FAbxj [4]

— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 30, 2016 [5]

Trump describes America as a perpetual loser and a hellscape for many. Surprised he stands for the anthem, honestly

— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 30, 2016 [6]

Then a Twitter user asked what it would take for Legend to vote for Trump, and he answered, "Possibly a gun to my head."

@johnlegend [7] What would it take for you to vote for Trump? 👀

— Mitch (@sleumasm) August 30, 2016 [8]

Possibly a gun to my head. But I might sacrifice my life to save humanity. https://t.co/y8YYF99emJ [9]

— John Legend (@johnlegend) August 30, 2016 [10]

This isn't the first time Legend has weighed in politically: he called out the NRA [11] for its hypocrisy when it stayed relatively quiet over Philando Castile's right to carry a concealed weapon since he had a permit when he was killed by police this Summer.

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