Hillary Clinton Used "Alternative Facts" to Shatter a Major Myth About Women

Apr 3 2017 - 7:10am

In a boss move, Hillary Clinton swiftly shut down a common stereotype about women and defended their role on the world stage. Clinton gave the powerful speech [1] about female politicians and foreign relations at Georgetown University on March 31. The former first lady and secretary of state harshly critiqued the president's proposed foreign aid cuts [2] and the impact they will have on girls and women. She also made some important comments about gender stereotypes — and took a subtle dig at Kellyanne Conway — that got our attention.

Clinton made a point that the United States must avoid alienating women around the world by diminishing programs and diplomacy intended to reach them — something Trump's administration has already begun to do [3]. "Studies show — here I go again, talking about research, evidence, and facts," Clinton said [4]. (The roaring applause that last line got forced her to pause for a few moments before going on.) "But in fact, when women are included in peace negotiations, agreements are less likely to fail and more likely to last."

Despite that truth, Clinton made it clear she doesn't subscribe to a common stereotype about women, one that is often peddled as truth: "Women are not inherently more peaceful than men. That is a stereotype. That belongs in the alternative reality." Clinton particularly emphasized [6] the word "alternative" in what appeared to be a clear reference to Conway's infamous use of the phrase [7] "alternative facts."

Clinton's latest speech is one in a series of speeches that have in some way taken aim at the president [8] and his administration. Watch it in its entirety below.

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