Ronald Reagan's Son Rips Apart Donald Trump in a Firestorm of Tweets

Oct 3 2016 - 5:13pm

Michael Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan and his first wife Jane Wyman, made it clear he does not support Donald Trump, and neither would his father. In a series of tweets linking to a Politico article about Trump implying that Hillary Clinton has cheated on her husband Bill Clinton, 71-year-old Reagan said he was "embarrassed" by the GOP nominee. "I can hear my father saying, 'I didn't leave the party, the party left me,'" he wrote, and added that Nancy Reagan would have voted for Clinton.

See some of his tweets:

No way do I or would my father support this garbage.Trump on Clinton: 'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' https://t.co/zTBMcB3wUi [1]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [2]

If this is where he is going I cannot follow him..Trump on Clinton: 'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' https://t.co/zTBMcB3wUi [3]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [4]

I can hear my father saying I didnt leave the Party the Party left me.'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' https://t.co/zTBMcB3wUi [5]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [6]

Reagan also called for RNC chairman Reince Priebus not to support Trump.

Its time for Priebus to take a stand..Trump on Clinton: 'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' https://t.co/zTBMcB3wUi [7]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [8]

In response to a Twitter user who said, "Your mother was loyal to the very end, and beyond," Reagan answered:

Jane Wyman was my mother but I can tell u that Nancy would vote for Hillary and was appalled to hear people say he reminds them of RR. https://t.co/DKsikyfuWs [9]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [10]

He insisted his father wouldn't have encouraged "this kind of campaign."

The direction he is headed will never win him the White House...No FILTER No Potus https://t.co/Ctp6mXNtvg [11]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [12]

I am glad my father is not alive to watch this...He would tell us to vote the down ticket to stop Hillary.. https://t.co/ruSKUGaEZ8 [13]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [14]

I am embarrassed by Trump and the applause he receives when infering she cheats on Bill..Not the Party of Reagan..Someone has to stand up https://t.co/ATYzc9HPj5 [15]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [16]

My father would not support this kind of campaign,if this is what the Republican Party wants leave us Reagans out.Nancy would vote for HRC https://t.co/jkjKBvlwHa [17]

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [18]

Don't care if DT tax plan mirrors my fathers..He is no RR..and u need to get elected to implamenft it..

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016 [19]

Michael isn't the first of Ronald Reagan's children to bash Trump — in August, Reagan's daughter Patti Davis wrote a Facebook post criticizing the GOP nominee [20] after he said "Second Amendment people" could do something to stop Hillary Clinton.

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