Trevor Noah Nailed Mike Pence's Ridiculous Defense of Trump's Lies

Oct 5 2016 - 2:55pm

Trevor reacts to the vice-presidential debate. #VPDebate [1] pic.twitter.com/QmOpNDGmGN [2]

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) October 5, 2016 [3]

Right after Mike Pence and Tim Kaine took the stage at the first and only vice presidential debate [4], Trevor Noah went live on The Daily Show with hilarious commentary. Noah wasted no time saying it went from a "debate" to "one of the biggest white guy arguments in history," comparing it to a boring stepdad vs. real-dad argument.

But what really impressed Noah was Pence's ability to dodge each question with an unrelated answer [5] and defend Donald Trump. "I would vote for Mike Pence just because of how he defends Donald Trump," Noah said. "He's like the guy who can't convince his friend not to drive drunk, but he's really good at convincing the cop that his friend isn't really drunk."

He also sarcastically applauded how Pence denied Trump's outrageous comments [6], even though there is record of Trump saying them. Noah hilariously compared it to Shaggy's 2000 hit song "It Wasn't Me" and sang, "But he said it on the record, it wasn't him. But they got him on the talk shows, it wasn't him." Watch the short clip here:

Mike Pence utilizes the Shaggy defense during the vice-presidential debate. https://t.co/dUL21JwlFR [7] pic.twitter.com/0X4vytOpXi [8]

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) October 5, 2016 [9]

Pence also took a lot of heat during the debate when he said that we need "broad-shouldered American leadership [10]" in regard to dealing with Syria, and Noah ended the segment by pointing out Pence has made the comment way too many times before.

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