The Most Powerful Photos From the Tense Senate Hearing on Brett Kavanaugh

Getty | Win McNamee

On Sept. 27, just over a week after being nominated by President Donald Trump for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh faced the Senate Judiciary Committee for an additional confirmation hearing concerning the sexual assault allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. The psychology professor has alleged that Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party in 1982 when she was 15 and he was 17.

The hearing was tense as committee members across the political aisle questioned both Ford and Kavanaugh following their respective opening remarks. Outside of Capitol Hill, the world watched in offices, college campuses, and bars and, as these things go, reacted online. Ahead, see some powerful pictures from the momentous political event.

Ford sits before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Ford is surrounded by her attorneys before testifying.

Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii awaits the start of the hearing.

Ford is sworn in before testifying to the committee.

Ford is questioned by prosecutor Rachel Mitchell.

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Senator Dianne Feinstein of California listen to Ford.

Ford sits next to her attorneys Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich during her testimony.

Ford testifies before the committee.

Senator Kamala Harris of California listens to Ford's testimony.

Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York cries during Ford's testimony.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas listens to Ford's testimony.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley listens to Ford's testimony.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina listens to Ford's testimony.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York cries during Ford's testimony.

Ford is hugged by her attorney Katz following her testimony.

Alyssa Milano speaks to the press at the hearing.

Kavanaugh is sworn in before testifying.

Kavanaugh delivers his opening remarks.

Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley Kavanaugh, watches as he testifies.

As the hearing went on, the world watched.

Students at the University of Southern California watch the hearing.

Supporters of Kavanaugh walk to the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.

The hearing appears on TV at the Billy Goat Tavern in Chicago.

The hearing appears on TVs on the street in Los Angeles.

A man watches the hearing in Los Angeles.

Yale University Law School students pass a button that reads, "I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford."

Protesters gather in Washington DC.

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