Jan 16 2014 - 12:46pm

Carrot-Juice-Braised Carrot

Inspired by Marc Forgione's carrot-glazed carrot [1]

Carrot-Juice-Braised Carrot Recipe


  1. 1 large carrot, peeled, end cut off
    Juice from 2 large carrots (about 3/4 cup)
    2 tablespoons salted butter
    Salt, to taste
    1 tablespoon fresh mint, chiffonade [2]
    Maldon sea salt, to garnish


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Place a large carrot diagonally in a small casserole dish. Pour carrot juice over the carrot. Dot the top of the carrot with butter. Cover the casserole dish with parchment paper. Carefully place it in the oven, and cook for 1 hour, flipping the carrot halfway through cooking time, until the thickest part of the carrot is pierced easily with a fork.
  2. Transfer carrot to a plate. Strain the cooking liquid, and discard the solids. Garnish the carrot with mint and Maldon or flaky sea salt. Drizzle about 1 tablespoon of strained cooking liquid on top. Serve immediately.

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