Apr 26 2017 - 3:15pm

Snow White's Poison Candy Apples

David Ma, TheFoodFreestylist.com [1]

Snow White's Poison Candy Apples


  1. 1/2 cup water
    1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
    1/4 cup light corn syrup
    1/4 teaspoon black food coloring
    4 apples
    4 Popsicle sticks or twigs


  1. In a large pot on medium heat, add your water, sugar, and corn syrup and stir together.
  2. Add in the black food coloring and stir once more. Continue heating until your mixture reaches a temperature of 375°F.
  3. Secure Popsicle sticks (or twigs) into the top of each apple and dip into the black mixture, making sure each side is evenly coated. Let dry on wax paper until hardened.

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