The 1 DIY You Need to Clear Bad Energy Out of Your Home

POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Just like it's good to occasionally declutter your home and give away of all those old clothes and items you no longer need, it's also good to clear the energy from your home and start fresh. Even the homes of the happiest families will accumulate stagnant and negative energy over time. One of the easiest ways to reboot your home's energy is by smudging it with sage. This Native American tradition transforms your home into a sacred space.

All you need to smudge your home is a sage smudging stick (a bundle of sage tightly wrapped together with string that you can buy on Amazon, at Whole Foods, or from your local New Age shop), a smudging feather, and a large shell or heat-proof bowl.

Basically, what you do is light the sage and use the feather to fan the smoke around your home. The smoke of the sage purifies the energy of the room. Ahead, I'm going to show you how to make your own smudging feather and then explain exactly how to smudge your house with it.

DIY Smudging Feather Materials

DIY Smudging Feather Materials


  • 7-inch sturdy stick from your backyard
  • Feathers
  • Cord, string, or yarn
  • Decorations like shells, rocks, or crystals
  • Hot glue
  • Scissors
Step 1:

Step 1:

Hot-glue a feather to the back of the top of the stick.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Continue hot-gluing your feathers to the front and back of your stick. You can glue as many feathers as you want to your stick.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Once all the feathers are arranged how you like, wrap the cord around the stick and the feathers and secure by tying or adding more hot glue.

Step 4:

Step 4:

Decorate your smudging feather with a crystal, rock, or shell by hot-gluing it in place.

Step 5:

Step 5:

Secure the decorative piece even more by tying cording around it.

Now you’re ready to smudge your home

Now you’re ready to smudge your home

Step 1: Open a window or door for ventilation.

Step 2: Set an intention for your smudging ritual — for example: "I am releasing all of the energy in this space that no longer serves me or my family."

Step 3: Light your sage stick. You may need to blow on it a few times so it starts to smoke and smolder.

Step 4: Walk around your house with the sage on your shell to catch the ashes. Sage each room by fanning the smoke with your feather around your space. Don't forget the corners of each room and inside the cupboards, cabinets, and closets. As you walk, say or think your intention.

Step 5: Once finished, extinguish your sage with sand or water. Then carry the ashes outside and give them back to the earth.

Once back inside, enjoy the subtle energy shift in your home. Even if other family members may not know you did this, it will positively affect them as well.