Abandoned Shelter Dog Refused to Give Up Hope and Is Loving His New Forever Home

Dec 19 2016 - 4:05pm
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Every time we hear about a family abandoning a dog [3], our hearts break. Late last year, we heard about Bobby, a 1-year-old terrier mix at Miami-Dade Animal Services [4], and how his family dumped him at the shelter [5] in December. Volunteers at the shelter dressed him in a festive green sweater for Christmas in hopes that a new family would take him home and show him the love he desperately needs. But by the time February rolled around, Bobby was still at the shelter and his time was running out.

Media outlets started to get wind of Bobby's story, and help poured in. We reached out to Miami-Dade Animal Services, and they confirmed that Bobby had been adopted, and we were so happy to share that Bobby is home with his new human [6], Paola Mariaca. He got the all clear from his vet and spent the following couple weeks getting stronger and healthier. Mariaca told The Examiner, "He is a very sweet and gentle calm baby, making him a great therapy dog, at my job. He is enjoying all the attention."

While we're relieved that Bobby has found a new home, the fact remains that many animal shelters and rescue centers are full of other animals seeking a forever family. There are plenty of ways to help out [7] if you can't promise a forever home to an animal, but if you are looking for a new friend, check out your nearest shelter [8] and consider bringing one home.

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