12 Signs You're a Cat Lady and Purrfectly Happy With It

Oct 29 2015 - 2:30pm

Get excited cat owners, it's National Cat Day! Cat ladies get a bad rap, but you know what, today's the day to let your feline freak flag fly. So assess where you stand on your crazy-cat-lady status with these GIFs of fellow kitty-lovers. Then go home and hug your BFF (best feline friend).

1. You get a bit defensive about your love of cats.

Source: Warner Bros. [1]

2. You speak fluent meow.

Source: Disney [2]

3. You want to adopt all the cats.

Source: TLC [3]

But luckily you have some self-control.

Source: NBC [4]

4. You've spent more nights in bed with your cat than with a lover.

Source: Paramount Pictures [5]

5. Sometimes you wonder if you're too close to your feline companions.

Source: NBC [6]

Like they might be taking advantage of you.

Source: Fox [7]

But your cats just get you.

Source: ABC [8]

6. You always find the cat in the room (and try to take it home).

Source: NBC [9]

7. You're always looking for excuses to dress like a cat.

Source: Cinetic Media [10]

Even if you're just staying in.

Source: Nickelodeon [11]

8. You've just accepted that you're usually coated in cat hair.

Source: TLC [12]

9. You smuggle them into places they aren't allowed.

Source: Fox [13]

10. You've written songs about your cats (that you sing to them).

Source: NBC [14]

11. You get a sneaking suspicion your cat finds you clingy.

Source: Kadokawa Corporation [15]

And maybe pathetic.

Source: ABC [16]

You don't know what it is.

12. But you can't help it, you just worship love your kitty.

Source: Disney [17]

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