Woof, Woof! Pet-Friendly Floor Cleaner

Mar 5 2014 - 7:00am

If you have pets, using safe cleaners is a must. Instead of paying extra cash for all-natural blends, make your own with pet-friendly ingredients that are also seriously budget friendly. You'll love how this cleaner busts through stains and leaves floors sparkling. And your pets will love how the cleaner doesn't include harmful chemicals or harsh fumes.

What You'll Need:


  1. Measure and add the vinegar and water to a sealable container. Repurposing a plastic container makes this DIY [1] even greener. Vinegar naturally cleans and disinfects without being toxic to pets. And don't worry about your space reeking of vinegar — the smell dissipates quickly.
  2. Now measure and add the liquid dish soap to the mixture. Most aren't harmful for pets, and the small amount also helps clean your floors.
  3. The next time you need to wash your floors, simply pour the mixture in a mop bucket or use it to saturate your floor wipes, and then clean your floors.

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