Please Enjoy These 11 Videos of a TikTok-Famous Ferret Dancing to Music

Nov 26 2019 - 2:30pm

OK, hear me out. These TikTok [1] videos of a ferret dancing to rap [2] and psychedelic techno music are the best videos you'll watch in 2019. Seriously, we can all go home now, Matilda the ferret just won the viral video game.

I'll explain: Matilda (known as Mats Plum Berry, or @friendlyquest) is your average ferret . . . or at least, she was before she went positively viral on TikTok this year, dancing along (with the help of her owner) to ambiguous club beats. The exact songs don't matter. What matters is that she sways her hips with such aggressive fluidity that will not only mesmerize you but will also have you dissolving into a puddle of giggles.

Sometimes Matilda dances with Pikachu, sometimes Matilda dances dressed like Pikachu, and sometimes Matilda yawns while swaying her hips to an electronic beat. That's basically it, team; read on to see Matilda doing her thing on TikTok (you can thank me later).

Videos of Matilda the Dancing Ferret

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