Fun Things to Do Alone, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Feb 1 2020 - 9:25am

Though we're not all naturally inclined to spend time alone [1], everyone could benefit from doing it. Being alone allows you space to reflect and imagine, and small doses can do wonders for your mental health.

If you're a social butterfly who rarely goes solo or if you're an introvert [2] who's simply looking for new ways to spend your alone time, read on to see what solo activities [3] you're best suited for, depending on your astrological sign. Who knows — maybe your alone time will become your favorite time!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Bake Some Goodies

For an Aquarius, there's no better solo activity for you than baking [5]. With your curiosity, creativity, and killer intuition, the kitchen is the perfect place for you to try out recipes and make new ones of your own. Since you're also known for your generosity, it only makes sense that you would spend your solo time making goodies for your friends.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Treat Yourself to a Spa Day

If you're a Pisces, then we recommend you treat yourself to a spa day [6]. With your selfless nature, you spend so much time helping others without expecting anything in return, and it should be your turn to get some pampering in. Your gentleness and patience will be well suited to a facial or a deep tissue massage.

Aries (March 21-April 19): Spruce Up Your Home

Aries folks, immerse yourself in a home improvement project [7]. Since you're so enterprising and incisive, wallpapering your bedroom [8] or organizing your closet is a great outlet for your creativity. Plus, you do tend to be a bit spontaneous, so you'll probably find giving your home a mini makeover to be pretty satisfying.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Get Active

For you, Taurus friends, we recommend working on a fitness goal [9]. You're both practical and ambitious, so training for a marathon [10] (or just tackling a single mile) is definitely your scene. You also love physical pleasures, so while the fitness might not be fun while you're doing it, your body is sure to love the rush of endorphins that comes after.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Journal Your Thoughts

If you're a Gemini, you would really thrive in keeping a journal [11]. With your expressiveness and quick wit, penning down your thoughts would be both a restorative and enjoyable activity for your serious side. Sure, you're also sociable and always ready for fun, but your more thoughtful tendencies could also benefit from some daily reflection.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Show a Small Act of Kindness

Cancer babies, you're just the type who would really love performing little acts of kindness [12]. Whether it's picking up someone else's bill at a restaurant or helping a harried mother with her bags, your deep intuition and sensitivity couldn't be better suited to the task. You also have a tendency for sentimentality, so helping the little lady next door clean out her garage is sure to give you all the feels.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Get Artsy

Leos, dedicate yourself to creating a piece of art [13]. With your naked honesty and desire for action, putting your feelings to a canvas or an empty wall in your bedroom might help you find a talent you hadn't even known you possessed. Since you also thrive on love and admiration, it certainly won't hurt if you happen to make a masterpiece while you're at it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Unplug

Put down the computer, Virgos — you could really benefit from an afternoon spent unplugged [14]. With your keen eye for detail and deep sense of humanity, there's probably nothing you would enjoy more than spending a dedicated amount of time turned away from your screens, doing some people watching or reading. Staying off social media for a few hours will definitely help you focus more on your strengths and give you less time to criticize yourselves (as you sometimes have a tendency to do).

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Find Your Inner Yogi

Gentle Libras, if you don't already practice, you would make natural yogis [15]. With your love of beauty, harmony, and peace, working a daily Sun Salutation into your schedule will give you even more time to pause and reflect. Yoga is also a great stress reliever, and since you don't always know how to say no to people, you could use some time focusing on yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Go to the Movies

For you Scorpios, an afternoon spent alone at the movies is the perfect solo activity [16]. You love to take control, so your strong-willed nature will be more than happy to pick the movie without having to appease others. You also enjoy giving off an aura of mystery, and going to the movies solo will leave plenty of people wondering where you get your confidence (and why they've never tried going alone to the movies themselves).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Go Hiking

For a Sagittarius, nothing sounds better to you than hitting the open road, so we recommend you take a hike [17] — literally, that is. Because you're so extroverted, spending time alone in the great outdoors might feel a bit lonely at first, but your open mind and enthusiasm will allow you to welcome any task. Plus, what better opportunity could you get to give your philosophical mind some freedom to wander?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Pick Up a New Hobby

For you Capricorns, we think you'd be great at picking up a new hobby [18]. From gardening to scrapbooking to photography, your tendency to always set higher standards for yourself will benefit from honing a new skill. With your dedication and perseverance, you're also bound to stick to whatever hobby you decide to try.

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